Passend zum gestrigen Post: eine kleine Zusammenstellung von Anwendungen des Urheberrechts, die mit dem Rechtsempfinden geistig gesunder Menschen in der Regel herzlich wenig zu tun haben. (via Presurfer)
NEARLY 20% of the 23,688 known human genes are patented in the United States. Private companies hold 63% of those patents.
FOR INCLUDING a 60-second piece of silence on their album, the Planets were threatened with a lawsuit by the estate of composer John Cage, which said they’d ripped off his silent work 4’33”. The Planets countered that the estate failed to specify which 60 of the 273 seconds in Cage’s piece had been pilfered.
IN 2002, Valenti described Hollywood’s antipiracy campaign as “our own terrorist war.”
A DAY AFTER Senator Orrin Hatch said “destroying their machines” might be the only way to stop illegal downloaders, unlicensed software was discovered on his website.